Fun Sites
We writers often laugh, share, get angry and respond to ads that promise nothing more than profit for the “employer”. But one writer took it as a personal crusade to point out the ridiculous offers and too-bad-to-be-true ads. The Craig’s List Curmudgeon says what we all want to say, points out the stupidity of non-offers masked as terrific opportunities and tells it like it is. How refreshing! It’s a fun, often hilarious read.

Ever overhear a conversation that sticks with you? Overheard in New York goes one step further – it’s an online log of snippets of conversation that reveal deeper behavioral aspects of the speakers. It’s like a voyeur’s window into strangers’ lives. It’s also a great inspiration for your writing!

Ever wander what your waiter thinks about your food, your service or the restaurant? No? No matter, for the Waiter Rant will tell you anyway. Not only that, you get tips on what you should/should not expect when you dine out. A fun read.

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3 Thoughts to “”

  1. Lori:

    I had never been to Waiter’s Rant before – what a hoot!

    Of course, it makes me a little bit paranoid. The next time, I’ll smile and tip heartily lest I become the subject of a posting!

    {hee hee – just kidding… I know how you love that…}


  2. Thanks for your kind words on KK’s blog. I added your link to my page.

    P.S. I read the entire OVERHEARD IN NEW YORK book…so good!! 🙂

  3. Thanks for pointing out these fun sites!

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